Wild Coast Publishing

#206 Hesquiat Peninsula Coast and Trail Map

#206 Hesquiat Peninsula Coast and Trail Map

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bout Hesquiat Peninsula: Hesquiat Peninsula is set just about perfectly in the middle of nowhere between Nootka and Clayoquot sounds. This distance and isolation makes it a compelling destination for those reasons alone. But you can also add the wildlife, sublime coastal scenery, and odd attractions such as a distinct historic lighthouse and historic gardens. These features are all bridged by the Hesquiat Trail, a coastal hike between beaches, rock platform and boulders through terrain less a trail and more as nature intended.

Still, it is a location rarely visited. A few people may stray up from Tofino to explore into Hesquiat Harbour. Fewer still will attempt a transit, those generally being circumnavigators of Vancouver Island or those on more lengthy regional trips down the coast. Still others may venture south from Nootka Sound to visit Escalante Point, often as part of an open-ocean venture that coupled with Yuquot and south Nootka Island make one of Vancouver Island’s most varied and exciting paddling destinations. Just beware this is open ocean! It is not a casual location to visit.

About this mapsheet: This mapsheet packages the northern waters of Clayoquot Sound to Shelter Inlet and north including all of Hesquiat Peninsula. Those starting from Tofino will want to have mapsheets #207 #208 as well, while those arriving from Nootka Sound will benefit from mapsheet #203.

The mapsheet layout: The layout is a regional overview on the full page of one side, and on the other side travel planning details such as expected water conditions, what to see and do, the First Nations context, and tons of background information on the various attractions including the Hesquiat Trail.
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